

Deep breath in, and out... ahhh, yes.

It feels good to have a decent clean out. Why wait til spring to do it? I've taken this season as an opportunity to do some 'autumn cleaning'. I'm not just talking about the blog (which is looking pretty clean, I must say). Over the past few weeks I've been prodding at my life with all kind of different tools, figuring out what makes me tick and what I want to do next. Now I've exchanged my microscope for a scrubbing brush and, oh yes, that scrubbing feels gooooood.

So, welcome to the new and improved version of my corner of the internet. It may take a while to get used to, but I think it will work out just dandy (and between you and me, I secretly love that harsh chemical-clean smell... all the more reason for another deep breath in, deep breath out).

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