

Creating an identity is one thing, rolling it out is another – and is always so much fun! You may remember me posting about the Made From Scratch identity/blog redesign I worked on... well, Rachael has since branched out from blogging into baking classes, and needed some cute little recipe cards for her delicious creations. I loved making these up, they make such sweet little sets!

The baking classes really took off, I loved checking out her Ruffle Cake Class. Are you keen to gain some new baking skills? Check out what classes she has planned this month!

Images by JEL Photography.


  1. Anonymous4.9.12

    I love the little baking cards! I got a bit of brownie mixture on mine the other day and I shrieked at my husband to wipe it off - they're so pretty! I think I need to laminate mine!

    1. That is such a good idea actually! I'm a really messy baker, and to make things worse I've got a bit of a reputation for getting things in my eyebrows of all things (my husband teases me all the time). What a grub!

  2. Oh Sweet Mama, you are so lovely! I adore baking cards that show they've been used, but laminating them is a really good idea. I'm so glad that you like them, Lucy is just far too clever for words! xo

    1. Splash proof baking cards, love it! Or perhaps a Made From Scratch recipe holder with a clear splash-proof plastic panel? Hmmm... ;)
